The way it is....

A blog that is mostly surrounding my obsession with Games Workshop's many, many fine products but will occasionally feature posts about my many other geeky hobbies!


Friday, 9 April 2010

1500 Point Tau Cadre - FINISHED!!!!!!

Well I've finally finished my 1500 point cadre, as I'm travelling down to Warhammer World for the Mayhem Tournament this weekend it's just in the nick of time to!!!!

Alot of the models are far from being "finished" but I've gotten them upto a standard that I'm happy to run with at a tounament so I'm pretty happy all in all. After this weekend is over I need to have an assesment about how happy I am with this list and then look to take it up to 1750 points for the next tournament I'll be taking part in, my current thinking is to add 2 Piranhas and to take add another Broadside but we'll see.

The Cadre consists of the following:

1500 Point Tau Cadre

HQ – 127 pts
Crisis Suit Commander (Shas’el) with Targeting Array, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, HW MultiTracker, HW Drone Controller.
2 x Shield Drones.

Elite – 141 pts
3 x Crisis Battlesuit with Twin Linked Missile Pods, Flamers.

Elite – 201 pts
3 x Crisis Battlesuit with Targeting Array, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle

Troop – 155 pts
6 x Fire Warriors with Pulse Rifles
1 x Devilfish with Gun Drones, Multi Tracker, Disruption Pod

Troop – 155 pts
6 x Fire Warriors with Pulse Rifles
1 x Devilfish with Gun Drones, Multi Tracker, Disruption Pod

Troop – 155 pts
6 x Fire Warriors with Pulse Rifles
1 x Devilfish with Gun Drones, Multi Tracker, Disruption Pod

Troops – 60 pts
6 x Fire Warriors with Pulse Rifles

Heavy – 165 pts
Hammerhead Gunship with Rail Gun, Burst Cannons, Disruption Pod, Multi Tracker

Heavy – 198 pts
Broadside Battlesuit Team Leader with Smart Missile System, HW Blacksun Filter, HW Drone Controller, Advanced Stabilisation System
Broadside Battlesuit with Smart Missile System, Advanced Stabilisation System
2 x Shield Drones

Fast – 143 pts
4 x Pathfinders with Pulse Carbines
Devilfish with Marker Beacon, Disruption Pod, Multi Tracker


  1. Nice one mate, the dirty purple space commies are looking good.

    You need to name your Commander though, that way he wont die!

  2. Nice army, looks great all set up like that. I bet you'll do well with this list too. Lots of dakka and 3 railguns is just about right for 1500. Have fun!

  3. I like it. It's a bit troop heavier than some Tau armies go but I agree with OSH on the ratio of dakka to power hitting guns. Looking forward to seeing how it works on the tabletop.


  4. Hi,

    Congrats on finishing the painting and good luck for the tournament.

    The list looks good. The only thing that seems odd to me is the targeting arrays on the elite crisis suits, I think multi-trackers would be better. It would also allow you to have a 5th pathfinder.

    I think your ideas on how to increase the list to 1750 are also very sound.

    Your list is more troop heavy than I use but it should work well. After the tournament assess how useful the 4th troop choice is. Dropping one troop choice (incl devilfish) would allow you to have a unit of 3 missile pod and burst cannon crisis suits which may serve you better.


  5. Good luck with it dude, i'll be watching your blog for the results :)
